Port operator Cosco Pacific is benefitting
from its diversification policy and has managed to turn in a 6.4% rise in
throughput to 7.85m teu across all its ports in March from 7.38m teu in the
previous corresponding period.
The star performers were the key Bohai Rim
region with a 4.3% rise in throughput to 2.78m teu signalling a recovery to
trend growth, and a 14.4% spike in the Southeast Coast ports reflecting good
33.6% and 14.7% gains at Xiamen Ocean Gate Container and Quan Zhou Pacific
Container terminals respectively. These were however from low sub-100,000 teu
bases and only amount to 83,600 teu for the former and 108,100 teu for the
Overall performance for the group was also
helped by a slowing of the decline to 0.8% in the Yangtze River Delta from the
3.8% and 4.9% drops in the preceding two months of the year as well as the
turnaround to a 5.4% rise in volumes at the other key region, the Pearl River
Delta, to 1.96m teu from persistent declines in the first two months of the
year too, especially an almost 10% drop in February.
Notably the growth was driven by good rises
in volume at the group's southern China ports of Yantian, Nansha and Guangzhou,
which saw 10.1%, 6.3% and 6.5% rises respectively. As reflected in the port of
Hong Kong figures, Cosco Pacific's terminals in the city continue to flounder,
posting falls of 12.5% and 15.9% at its Cosco-HIT and Asia Container terminals